This has been my life for the past few months and now it has been submitted, PAVE Comepition.These are my 3D max renderings, and a slideshow depicting my finished booklet.
So I have this game that I play with myself wherever I go. I try to identify the time period different pieces I come across are from, now I'm not very good at it but here are some interesting pieces I documented on my days off. Sketching really is the only means I have to keep my observation skills active.
So these days I need some way to practice and keep my craetive sanity, so when I'm not at work I meander about Disney and sketch, and sketch, aaaand sketch. lol Its become almost theurapeutic
well here we go again. I'm the worst blogger ever, this is a new start. I am determined to keep the email linked to this page and ergo keeping control of this blog. I hope that this will be the beginging of a beautiful relationship.